100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (2024)

It’s that time of year again, the 100th day of school! Schools celebrate the 100th day of school in many ways. Some schools may ask parents to dress their children up as if they were 100 years old. Other schools will assign the 100th day of school project.

Are you racking your brain to find a creative but easy way to complete the 100th day of school project? Don’t worry at Kids Play and Create we’ve got you covered. Check out these simple and creative 100th days of school projects ideas for kids.

Check the end of the article for free 100 Day of School printable coloring pages.

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (1)

100th Day of School Fill in Projects:

Most school assignments want kids to take a piece of oaktag or other large paper write 100 on the paper and fill it with 100 items. If this is the assignment your child needs to do here is a list of items that can be used to fill up their 100.

Cheerios or any other cereal that is circular


Mini Marshmallows

Small Erasers

Craft Gems (available atcraft stores)

Paper Clips


Candy Hearts

Googly Eyes

Different color tissue paper

Gummy Bears



Tooth Picks


Sunflower seeds

Craft sticks/popsicle sticks



Cotton Balls

Cotton Swabs

Bottle caps





Hershey Kisses

Matchbox Cars

Small figurines

Small Sticky Notes


Sugar Packets (Domino sells a 100 pack box)


100th Day of School Project Ideas

100 Stars in the Sky

Star stickers and a black piece of paper are needed for this project.

Have your child draw planets on the black piece of paper, bright colors will look best. After your child finishes their drawing have them place 100 stickers on their paper around the planets.

Need to do a little more than fill in a 100 on a piece of paper? Check out these ideas below

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (2)

100 Fingerprints

A stamp pad is required

Have your child draw a 100 in pencil on their paper. Using the stamp pad have your child make 100 fingerprints and thumbprintsaround the 100 they drew on their paper. Don’t want to write 100 on your paper no problem just make 100 fingerprints and thumbprints anywhere on your paper.

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (3)


Cotton Balls are required.

On a big piece of paper or oaktag have your child draw a big snowman. Have them fill in the snowman with 100 cotton balls.

Candy Jar

Gum Balls or buttons, optional jar

This project can be done in two ways.

1. on a large piece of paper or oaktag have your child draw a large jar. Have them fill in the jar with colorful buttons to represent gumballs or glue on real gumballs.

2. You can use a real jar and fill it with 100 gumballs or buttons.

100 Snowflakes

White paint or white paper and scissors required

This project can be done in two ways

Have your child draw a Winter scene on their paper example snowman, polar bear, forest, etc…

After they draw their Winter scene have them complete the project in one of the ways listed below:

Here are your two options: 1. Paint 100 snowflakes on their paper or if you want a challenge 2. Have your child make 100 small snowflakes using scissors and white paper then glue them on the paper. This will take a little time but comes out really nice. You can also add a little glitter to make them sparkle.

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (4)

Teachers Apple

Red M&Ms required

Have your child draw a large apple on their paper or oak tag. Fill in the apple with red M&Ms.

Math Facts

100 small pieces of paper or small sticky notes are required.

In this project kids with not only complete their 100th day of a school assignment, but they will also practice their math facts!

Have your child draw 100 in bubble letter form on their large paper or oaktag. On each of the smaller pieces of paper have your children write math facts with sums that equal 100 (for example 50 +50=100, 110-10=100, etc…)

Teddy Bear

Gummy Bears required

Have your child draw a large teddy bear on their paper or oaktag. Have your child fill in the bear with 100 gummy bears.

Skittles Rainbow

Skittles required

Have your child draw a large rainbow on their paper. Have your child fill in the colors of the rainbow using 100 skittles. For example,if you make thefirst color redthe first line of your rainbow should be filled in with all red skittles.

Pizza Topping

For this project have your child draw a large slice of pizza on their paper or oaktag. The easiest way to have them draw a slice of pizza is to draw a large triangle then turn it upside down. On the pizza have them draw 100 toppings such as pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, etc…

100th day Rainbow

Using 100 red, yellow, green, and blue M&Ms and Skittles make a rainbow on your paper.

100th Day of School T-shirt Ideas

Thinking of designing a 100th day of t-shirt for your child to wear to school? Check out some of these ideas below.

Pom-pom t-shirt- Hot glue 100 pom-poms onto a t-shirt

Googly eyes t-shirt or hat – Hot glue 100 googly eyes on a t-shirt or hat

Stamp Shirt – Works best with a white t-shirt- Have your child make 100 stamps on a t-shirt.

Put a thumbs up on a t-shirt and write I am 100 days smarter!

100th Day of School Ideas

There are so many ways to celebrate the 100th day of school! Some fun activities include counting to 100 with your little kids. Write the words one hundred in bubble letters and have the children color it in, dress up like you are 100 years old.

Writing topics

Writing topics are great for older students. Here are some 100 days of school writing prompts.

Write about something that happened exactly years ago today?

What do you think the world will be like 100 years from now?

Do you think it would be better to live 100 years ago or 100 years into the future and why?

What did children play with 100 years ago?

100 Days of School Crafts

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (5)
100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (6)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have a wide range of knowledge on various topics, including public speaking and speech delivery. I can provide information and insights on concepts related to this article. Let's dive into it!

Public Speaking and Speech Delivery

Public speaking is the act of delivering a speech or presentation to a live audience. It involves informing, persuading, or entertaining a group of people through words, physical delivery, and visual or audio aids . Public speaking is often done in formal settings, such as conferences, meetings, or educational institutions.

Introduction to Public Speaking

When delivering a speech, it is important to start with a strong introduction. The introduction serves several purposes, including capturing the audience's attention, establishing credibility, and providing a preview of the main points of the speech . Some effective techniques for introductions include:

  1. Attention Getter: Start with a compelling quote, startling fact, or intriguing story to grab the audience's attention.
  2. Establish Credibility: Share your qualifications or personal experience related to the topic to establish yourself as a knowledgeable speaker.
  3. Preview of Main Points: Provide a brief overview of the main points or arguments that will be covered in the speech.
Methods of Speech Delivery

There are different methods of delivering a speech, and the choice depends on the speaker's style, the audience, and the occasion. Some common methods of speech delivery include:

  1. Impromptu: Speaking without prior preparation or notes. This method requires the speaker to think on their feet and deliver a speech spontaneously.
  2. Manuscript: Reading a prepared speech word-for-word from a written manuscript. This method ensures accuracy but may lack spontaneity.
  3. Memorized: Memorizing the entire speech and delivering it without notes. This method allows for a more natural delivery but requires extensive preparation.
  4. Extemporaneous: Delivering a speech with a prepared outline or key points, allowing for flexibility and adaptability to the audience's response.
Organizing a Speech

Organizing a speech is crucial for clarity and effectiveness. A well-organized speech helps the audience understand the message and view the speaker as reliable and credible Some tips for organizing a speech include:

  1. Introduction: Start with a clear thesis statement and provide an overview of the main points.
  2. Body: Present the main points or arguments in a logical and coherent manner. Use transitions to guide the audience from one point to another.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize the main points and provide a memorable closing statement or call to action.
Overcoming Communication Apprehension

Many people experience communication apprehension, which is the fear or anxiety associated with being evaluated by others during public speaking . Here are some strategies to overcome communication apprehension:

  1. Practice: Practice your speech multiple times to build confidence and familiarity with the content.
  2. Visualization: Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech and receiving positive feedback.
  3. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm nerves and reduce anxiety.
  4. Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations to boost confidence.
  5. Audience Engagement: Focus on connecting with the audience and delivering your message rather than worrying about their evaluation.

These are just a few concepts related to public speaking and speech delivery. If you have any specific questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

100th Day of School Projects for Kids - Kids Play and Create (2024)


What can I make for a school project? ›

23 creative project ideas
  • Write a blog post. A blog post is a web article you can write on any topic that interests you. ...
  • Write a poem. ...
  • Write a short story. ...
  • Create custom bookmarks. ...
  • Create a poster. ...
  • Create digital artwork. ...
  • Take a photo series. ...
  • Create a vision board.
Mar 10, 2023

How can I make my school day more fun? ›

How to Make School and Learning Fun
  1. Break up Lessons.
  2. Offer Choices.
  3. Incorporate Games.
  4. Have Group Time.
  5. Move Around.
  6. Use Hands-On Activities.
  7. Be Creative.
  8. Plan Field Trips.

How do you greet someone on the 100th day morning meeting? ›

100th Day of School Activity: Morning Meeting

Also, you can have students pass a greeting around the circle and say, “Happy 100th Day, (name)!” To make it even more fun, create a handshake like touching 1 finger, and then make a zero with your hand and bump hands twice, to make 100!

How do you create a creative school project? ›

If you're doing an artistic project, begin painting or drawing the pieces. If you're using something such as papier-mâché, start building your sculpture. If you're designing it on the computer, start making your art or gathering images to use. Pull your project together.

What is a 100 days of school project? ›

Some schools use the 100th day to have kids imagine what life will be like when they're 100 years old. Some kids are asked to come dressed as old men or old women, but this project — where kids draw what they look like today, and also what they'll look like when they're centenarians — is a lot easier to pull off.

What should I do for a 100 day project? ›

The main idea is to do something creative every day for 100 days. You can make 100 finished objects or you can work on one larger project made up of 100 smaller pieces. Or you can make 10 things that take 10 days each to complete. Remember, it's your project so it's completely up to you how you want to structure it!

How do I find project ideas? ›

  1. 1 Identify the problem. The first step to generate new project ideas is to identify the problem you want to solve or the opportunity you want to seize. ...
  2. 2 Generate possible solutions. ...
  3. 3 Evaluate and select ideas. ...
  4. 4 Prototype and test ideas. ...
  5. 5 Iterate and improve ideas. ...
  6. 6 Present and pitch ideas. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Aug 24, 2023

What to do for a creative project? ›

Start strong with your next big creative project
  1. Write a love letter to your creative self. Julie is a university lecturer who came to me for support while writing her first novel – a long-deferred dream. ...
  2. Visualise your ideal audience. ...
  3. Write a manifesto for your project. ...
  4. Make a contract with yourself. ...
  5. Get accountability.

How can I make school fun and easy? ›

Join a club, make a friend, go out for activities. Go to the sports games, and make friends. Join the cheer/yell squad or leadership team. There are so many things that make the difference between just going along and making the most out of your H.S.

How to make school fun for kids? ›

Soccer, track and field, basketball, and football can all make school a little more fun. If you don't want to play sports, consider attending the games and cheering on your team with your friends. Most of the time, you can get in for free, and it can be a great way of making new buddies.

How can I make school fun and not boring? ›

Why Kids Get Bored at School: 10 Tips to Keep Them Interested
  1. Game-Based Learning.
  2. Project-Based Learning Approaches.
  3. Interactive and Hands-On Activities.
  4. Learning about Modern Education.
  5. Celebrating Every Success.
  6. Connecting Lessons to Real-Life Applications.
  7. Setting Achievable Goals.
Feb 8, 2024

What is a snowball greeting? ›

Snowball Greeting: LY, ESL, O. Each student writes his/her name on a sheet of paper and crumbles it up so that it looks like a snowball. Students then toss the crumbles pieces of paper into the center of the circle. Students pick up a snowball that has landed near them and open the paper.

How to dress your child for 100 days of school? ›

Many kids who dress up for the 100th day of school wear centenarian costumes, also known as 100 year old person costumes. Little girls will look cute dressed in floral print dresses paired with comfy cardigan sweaters and spectacles.

How do you greet students positively? ›

When greeting students at your door:
  • Say the student's name.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Use a friendly nonverbal greeting, such as a handshake, high five, or thumbs-up.
  • Give a few words of encouragement.
  • Ask how their day is going.

How to calculate 100 days from a date? ›

You can figure out the date one hundred days from now manually by using a calendar. Look at today's date on the calendar and count forward one day at a time until you've counted 100 total days. Instead of counting up, you can move forward one day at a time while subtracting 1 from 100 for each day you move forward.

How can I make 8 minutes go by fast in school? ›

How to Pass Time in Class
  1. 1 Listen actively and take notes.
  2. 2 Interact in class and ask questions.
  3. 3 Illustrate your notes.
  4. 4 Complete your homework for another class.
  5. 5 Organize and create a to-do list.
  6. 6 Doodle in the margins of your notebook.
  7. 7 Read something interesting.
  8. 8 Engage in some creative writing.

How do you make a children's day project? ›

Another simple yet creative Children's Day project is to make paper plate animals using plain white paper plates. Choose your favourite animal and outline the plate. Paint the drawing, cut out the nose and ears from coloured sheets and paste them using the glue stick.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.