Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (2024)

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Posted by Jessica Pinney on , last updated

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (1)

One of my favorite parts of camping is getting to try out a new recipe over the open fire. We made these Pizza Nachos during a camping trip to Point Mugu a few weeks ago.

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (2)

We got to eat them by the ocean at sunset, while dolphins and whales played. Seriously, California is the best state!

I love these as a camping recipe because you can do most of the prep at home then throw it together at the campsite with minimal dishes. Very easy. If you aren’t camping, you could also make this in the oven at home (just pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees).

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Garlic Cream Sauce Ingredients

  • Unsalted Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Heavy Cream
  • Milk
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Red Pepper FlakesCampfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (3)

Nachos Ingredients

  • Tortilla Chips
  • Onion
  • Pepperoni
  • Black Olives
  • Bell Pepper
  • Green Onions
  • Colby-Jack Cheese


Garlic Cream Sauce: Melt the butter and olive oil in a saucepan Once the butter is melted, add the minced garlic. Stir. After a minute or two, add in the cream and milk. Stir until it comes to a boil. Add salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and cheese. Stir until sauce has thickened. Once it has thickened, remove from fire and set aside.

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (4)

Nachos: Grab your cast iron skilletCampfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (5) and add the tortilla chips. Drizzle the garlic cream sauce all over the chips.

Top with the onions, pepperoni, olives, bell pepper, and colby jack cheese. The best approached is to layer it between tortilla chips so every bit gets plenty of toppings.

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (6)

Place over the open fire and cover. Cook until the cheese is nice and bubbly and the veggies are warm, about 5-8 minutes.

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (7)

More Camping Recipes

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  • Golden Coconut Raspberry S’moreo

Other Pizza Recipes

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  • BBQ Pork French Bread Pizza

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipe

Make Pizza Nachos with garlic cream sauce over the campfire with this easy recipe.

Author: Jessica Pinney

Servings: 5

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes minutes

Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (8)

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5 from 4 votes


Garlic Cream Sauce Ingredients:

  • 1.5 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • ½ Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 2-3 Garlic Cloves (Minced)
  • ½ cups Heavy Cream
  • ¼ cup Milk
  • 1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Red Pepper Flakes

Nacho Ingredients:

  • 1 Bag of Tortilla Chips
  • ½ cups Garlic Cream Sauce (recipe below)
  • ¼ cups Onion (diced)
  • ½ cups Pepperoni (cut into quarters)
  • ½ cups Black Olives (sliced)
  • ½ whole Bell Pepper (diced)
  • 2 Green Onions (sliced)
  • 1 cup Colby-Jack Cheese (Shredded)



  • Garlic Cream Sauce: Melt the butter and olive oil in a saucepan Once the butter is melted, add the minced garlic. Stir. After a minute or two, add in the cream and milk. Stir until it comes to a boil. Add salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and cheese. Stir until sauce has thickened. Once it has thickened, remove from fire and set aside.

  • Nachos: Grab your cast iron skillet and add the tortilla chips. Drizzle the garlic cream sauce all over the chips.

  • Top with the onions, pepperoni, olives, bell pepper, and Colby jack cheese. The best approached is to layer it between tortilla chips so every bit gets plenty of toppings.

  • Place over the open fire and cover. Cook until the cheese is nice and bubbly and the veggies are warm, about 5-8 minutes.


Calories: 580kcal (29%)

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  1. Andrea Wyckoff says

    These nachos look sooo delicious!! I love that you made them the perfect campfire food!


  2. Del says

    Direction for the cream sauce for the Campfire Nachos calls for cheese. The ingredients fails to include cheese as an ingredient. Please advise idea seems very tasty.


    • Jessica Pinney says

      Sorry for the confusion, it is 1/4 cup Parmesan.


  3. Camping Carol says

    Can someone who actually made this tell me how the chips do not get soggy putting a cream sauce on and then heating for sometime until the stuff on the top gets hot. Wanting to check before I spend the time and $. Thx


  4. Charles Brewer says

    How many does the recipe serve with the amount of ingedients listed???


    • Jessica Pinney says

      I would say this serves four adults.


  5. Amy says

    What do you cover this with to cook? Does your cast iron skillet have a lid?


  6. L says

    can you make the cream sauce ahead of time?


  7. Kathy says

    I wish I could see all the ingredients and directions but it is covered by the left side banner for pinterest and facebook etc. I can’t even see the left side of this comment box.


    • Jessica Pinney says

      Kathy, try making your browser window larger. I just tried on two different devices and two different browsers and could not replicate your issue. If resizing your browser window doesn’t work, please email me and I will send you the recipe.


  8. Geo says

    Major hit at our group camping trip. We went on a 4 hour kayaking trip, and everybody needed something to eat quick. Pizza nachos hit the spot! I’ll definitely use this again.


    • Jessica Pinney says

      Glad you enjoyed them, sounds like an awesome trip!


  9. MK says

    Can you substitute the cream with anything else. I never use cream and would hate to buy it just for the one recipe.


    • Jessica Pinney says

      You could try using milk, but the sauce will not be the correct consistency and not have as rich a flavor.


  10. sharry@ shorisuperstore says

    good article…i cant believe you can use nachos to create a pizaa. awesome.. the instruction when to tell if its alreay cooked is by looking at the cheese.
    Where did you buy the cast iron?


  11. Dominique | Perchance to Cook says

    Oh wow! This takes camping to a whole other level! I want a bite of these nachos ASAP. They look so delicious!


  12. Ashley @ Big Flavors from a Tiny Kitchen says

    These nachos look outrageously good! What a fun way to upgrade camping food – I’ll have to try this the next time my family heads upstate!


  13. Ben Myhre says

    This looks really good. I am not sure what makes them pizza-ish, but I definitely wouldn’t kick them off my plate. Cheesy Nacho awesomeness!


  14. Sarah says

    I’m a little obsessed with campfire meals, and this one is such a great idea! We don’t always have a way to keep cheese cold when we camp, but when we do, we should make this!!


  15. Sharon Rigsby says

    What a beautiful place to camp! I suspect that anything would taste good cooked there! However, I love nachos and these look divine! Will have to try this next time we go camping!


  16. Christine says

    Yum! Such a great recipe idea. I’ve never tried pizza nachos, but they sound delish!


  17. Tina says

    I love cooking with cast iron. The cheese really makes this dish, how fun!


  18. Helene says

    I feel like going camping right away! this does sound like a smart and comforting camp fire food which everyone will enjoy. You got me super inspired right now, I want to plan our next road trip to the Himalayas.


    • Lisa Scott says

      Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (9)
      Made this in the oven, it was a big hit thank you. Its a keeper


  19. Abby @ WinsteadWandering says

    These nachos look beyond incredible, but I fear I’d just eat all the garlic cream sauce with a spoon before I ever got around to making them. What a fun family night recipe!


  20. Karyl | Karyl's Kulinary Krusade says

    Oh man, these nachos look so good. I love that you’re using garlic cream sauce instead of regular cheese sauce. Fabulous twist


  21. Anne Murphy says

    That sounds amazing!

    No campfires in my immediate future – I’m just going to have to make this over a stove… Bet it’ll still be good!


  22. Julie says

    Welp, I love (LOVE) nachos, and I love pizza, so I’m basically ready to reach through my computer screen and grab a chip. Can’t wait to try these!!


  23. Mary Bostow says

    I love these nachos, delicious, quick and easy is the name of the game around here for snacks!


  24. Gloria Mott says

    I think I will add mushrooms, maybe some sausage too. It looks divine.


  25. Nicole says

    Could you make the cheese sauce ahead of time?


  26. Joyce says

    Can the sauce be made ahead of time??


  27. Lindsey says

    Asking the same as the others…can the sauce be made ahead of time?


  28. Dawn says

    Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (10)
    My family doesn’t camp but I make this recipe and bake it in the oven at about 400 degreesand i. A 9×13 panda since I do not own a cast iron skillet. This is one of my absolute favorite recipes! The cream sauce is AMAZING!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing the recipe. ?


    • Nadine says

      How long did you bake it for?


  29. Barb says

    Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (11)
    I definitely give this a five star! I’ve made it a few times and everybody loves it. I added my own touches by sauteing mushrooms in the butter with the garlic and onions. I also added Italian sausage and only half the pepperoni.


  30. Jacqueline says

    Can you make the sauce ahead of time and just heat it up?


  31. Jen says

    Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (12)
    Made this last week and the family loved it!


  32. Bianca says

    I see all the questions about people asking if the sauce can be made ahead of time, since this is a campfire recipe. has anyone tried it yet?


  33. Amy says

    What do you cover the cast iron skillet with?


Campfire Pizza Nachos Recipes (2024)


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