Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (2024)

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About Evolve Online School

At Evolve Online School it is our mission to provide your child with an education like no other.

We are here to be your child's friendly tour guides on an amazing educational journey. Our goal is to make sure they have an unforgettable experience. It is like an exciting adventure where they can explore their interests and talents. We will support them every step of the way, helping them excel in what they love and giving them extra time and attention when needed to succeed in areas they find challenging.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (1)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.


At Evolve Online School, our Teachers are seasoned educators who take special care to help your child succeed.

Our Teachers are qualified educators who take special care to make sure that your child progresses through their education journey. During the Foundation Phase we practice ‘looping’. This means that the same activators will stay with your child for more than one year to facilitate a deeper relationship and understanding of their unique needs.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (2)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

Our Tailored Approach

Evolve Online School is a unique online home schooling experience that allows your child to learn according to their strengths.

We use a tailored approach to make sure that your child develops mastery at their own pace. By not feeling rushed to keep up with the rest of the class, and not feeling bored or held back when they are keen to move faster, we give your child the chance to claim their ground through their own achievements and reduce the anxiety associated with the usual one-size-fits-all model of schooling.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (3)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

Advantages Of Evolve Online School

Evolve Online School was designed to equip your child with all the tools they need to succeed in today's world.

We are committed to guiding your child through an educational adventure of self-discovery and subject mastery. Our goal is to help them quickly excel in areas of interest and strength, and progress steadily in areas where they need more time and focused attention to succeed.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (4)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

Synchronous & Asynchronous Approach

Evolve Online School uses a balance of Synchronous and Asynchronous learning to give your child a unique learning experience.

Synchronous learning consists of scheduled live online classes that your child will need to attend. While Asynchronous learning allows the child to develop mastery over topics at their own pace.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (5)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.


Did you not find what you were looking for?

Read our in-depth and updated FAQs list to get answers to all the questions you have regarding Evolve Online School.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (6)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.


Evolve Online School is part of ADvTECH Group.

ADvTECH remains Africa's leading private education provider. Academic excellence is core to the strategy and has enabled the company to continue growing its footprint in Africa.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (7)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.



  • Online Homeschool Curriculum
  • IEB Curriculum
  • Foundation Phase Grade R-3
  • Intermediate Phase Grade 4-6
  • Senior Phase Grade 7-9
  • FET Phase Grade 10-12
  • Adventure Box
  • IEB Fees

Online Homeschool Curriculum

Evolve Online School’s Homeschool curriculum follows the CAPS (Government) curriculum,

and we use the IEB (Independent Examination Board) for our National Senior Certificate Examination.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (8)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

IEB Curriculum

We are a registered with the IEB

Our curriculum is aligned to the CAPS curriculum that will allow our students to write the IEB exit examination at the end of Grade 12 in order for them to obtain a National Senior Certificate.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (9)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Foundation Phase (Grade R-3)

Empowering students through Digital Mastery

Our foundation phase is for students from Grade R to 3. We understand how important this phase is in laying the basics for all future learning. Our phased approach allows for time to be spent on any topics or subjects your child might be struggling with and also lets them explore and quickly progress in areas of interest and natural ability.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (10)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Intermediate Phase (Grade 4-6)

Students in the Intermediate Phase of primary school continue to develop their Literacy, Digital and Mathematical mastery. They also start a new subject called IDEAS.

Students from Grades 4 to 6 fall within the Intermediate phase of primary school. Our tailored approach to online primary schooling allows students to spend time on subjects they struggle with, and master topics faster in areas of interest and natural ability.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (11)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Senior Phase (Grade 7-9)

Senior Phase students continue with the same subjects in high school as they did in Intermediate Phase, but with a greater emphasis on using what they absorbed in Primary school to become independent learners.

Students from Grades 7 to 9 fall within the senior phase. Our tailored approach allows students to spend time on subjects they struggle, and progress faster in areas of interest and natural ability.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (12)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

FET Phase
(Grade 10-12)

We don't believe that a child should measure their self-worth and accomplishments against artificial conventions.

Therefore we allow our Evolvees to work at their own pace at a level they are comfortable with to give your child the opportunity to claim their ground through their own achievements.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (13)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Adventure Box

Adventure starts at home

One of the most exciting parts of the educational journey for our foundation phase students is the adventure box they’ll receive per course module (6 times a year).

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (14)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.


The Evolve Online School experience is built to be affordable.

Through our strategic partnerships with distributors such as ThinkAhead, we have been able to provide an education that both your child and your pocket will appreciate.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (15)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

Cambridge ❯

Cambridge Curriculum

  • Cambridge
  • Upper Primary
  • Lower Secondary
  • AS Levels
  • Cambridge Fees


Evolve Online School is proud to announce that we are registered online Cambridge International School

The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education and is recognised by universities and employers worldwide.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (16)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Upper Primary

Ages 8 to 11 (Grades/Stage 4 to 6)

Cambridge Primary starts learners on an exciting educational journey. Typically for 5 to 11 year olds, it provides a strong foundation for students at the beginning of their schooling before progressing through the Cambridge Pathway in an age-appropriate way.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (17)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Lower Secondary

Ages 11 to 14 (Grades/Stages 7 to 8)

Cambridge Lower Secondary is typically for learners aged 11 to 14 years. It helps you prepare students for the next step of their education, providing a clear path as they progress through the Cambridge Pathway in an age-appropriate way.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (18)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.


Ages 15 to 16 (Grades 9 &10)(Stage 9) Grades 9 - IGCSE Level 1 (2023) Grades 10 - IGCSE Level 2 (2024)

The Cambridge IGCSE curriculum offers a variety of routes for learners with a wide range of abilities, including those whose first language is not English.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (19)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

AS Levels

Ages 16 to 18 (Grades 11 & 12)

Thousands of learners worldwide gain places at leading universities every year with Cambridge International AS & A Levels. The syllabuses develop a deep understanding of subjects and independent thinking skills.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (20)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Cambridge Fees

Evolve Online School is proud to announce the launch of our Cambridge qualification.


Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (21)

Learn about Evolve Online School

Learning without limits
Evolve Online School guides your child through a unique journey of learning. Learn more about Evolve Online School and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

Resources ❯

Our Insightful Resources

  • Blogs
  • Events
  • Calendar
  • Competitor Tool
  • Pathway To Tertiary
  • Tutor Centres


Our Insightful blogs

Learning Activators as well as the Principal of Evolve Online School frequently write articles that we feature on in our blogs. These range from Building Grit in your child, to How to choose an Online School.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (22)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.


Our Upcoming Events

Whether you are a current or future Evolve Online School parent, we have webinars that cover all topics applicable to your child being an Evolvee. Register for one of our upcoming events to learn more.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (23)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.


Our 2023 calendar

Stay up to date with Evolve Online School's important dates. view our term start and end dates.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (24)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Competitor Tool

Our Competitor Tool

Compare Evolve to other providers.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (25)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Pathway To Tertiary

How do Evolve Online School Students benefit?

As an Evolve Online School student, you will have guaranteed entry into any of The IIE’s educational brands should you meet the minimum admission criteria. Where programmes have waiting lists, ADvTECH graduates will receive preference

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (26)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Tutor Centres

Playing a significant role in supporting students

Our live reporting system and the ability of learners to work both synchronously and asynchronously make our curriculum the ideal solution for Homeschool Centres.

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (27)

Evolve Online School the future of learning

Learn more about our curriculum
Evolve Online School uses a phased approach to education to help your child gain mastery over their schoolwork.

Enquire Now Apply Now

As an expert and enthusiast, I don't have personal experiences or a background to introduce myself as an expert or enthusiast. However, I can provide information and insights on the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's dive into the key concepts discussed in the article:

Evolve Online School

Evolve Online School is an educational institution that aims to provide a unique and personalized learning experience for students. Their mission is to guide students on an educational journey that is both exciting and unforgettable. They offer support and attention to students, helping them excel in their areas of interest and providing extra time and assistance in areas where they may face challenges.

Tailored Approach

Evolve Online School adopts a tailored approach to education, allowing students to learn according to their strengths and at their own pace. This approach avoids the one-size-fits-all model of traditional schooling, where students may feel rushed or held back. By giving students the opportunity to develop mastery in their own time, Evolve Online School aims to reduce anxiety and provide a more personalized learning experience.

Advantages of Evolve Online School

Evolve Online School offers several advantages for students. Their curriculum is designed to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in the modern world. They focus on self-discovery and subject mastery, helping students excel in their areas of interest while steadily progressing in areas where they need more attention and time. The school also balances synchronous (live online classes) and asynchronous (self-paced) learning, offering a unique and flexible learning experience.

IEB Curriculum

Evolve Online School follows the IEB (Independent Examination Board) curriculum for the National Senior Certificate Examination. The IEB curriculum aligns with the CAPS (Government) curriculum and allows students to obtain a national senior certificate upon completion of Grade 12. The curriculum is divided into different phases:

  • Foundation Phase (Grade R-3): Focuses on laying the basics for future learning and empowering students through digital mastery.
  • Intermediate Phase (Grade 4-6): Develops literacy, digital, and mathematical mastery, and introduces the IDEAS subject.
  • Senior Phase (Grade 7-9): Continues with the same subjects as the Intermediate Phase, with a greater emphasis on independent learning.
  • FET Phase (Grade 10-12): Provides students the opportunity to work at their own pace and level, allowing them to claim their ground through their own achievements.

Adventure Box

Evolve Online School offers an adventure box to foundation phase students. This box is received six times a year and adds an exciting element to the educational journey. The adventure box is designed to enhance the learning experience and engage students in a fun and interactive way.

Cambridge Curriculum

Evolve Online School is also a registered online Cambridge International School. The Cambridge curriculum sets a global standard for education and is recognized by universities and employers worldwide. It offers different stages for students:

  • Upper Primary (Ages 8 to 11): Provides a strong foundation for students at the beginning of their schooling.
  • Lower Secondary (Ages 11 to 14): Prepares students for the next step of their education.
  • IGCSE (Ages 15 to 16): Offers a variety of routes for learners with different abilities.
  • AS Levels (Ages 16 to 18): Develops a deep understanding of subjects and independent thinking skills.


Evolve Online School provides various resources to support students and parents. These include insightful blogs written by learning activators and the school's principal, upcoming events and webinars, a calendar with important dates, a competitor tool for comparison, information on pathways to tertiary education, and support for homeschool centers.

I hope this information helps you understand the key concepts mentioned in the article about Evolve Online School. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any specific topic, feel free to ask!

Homeschool Curriculum | Accredited Homeschool Education | Evolve Online (2024)


What is the best online homeschool program? ›

Homeschooler Picks for Best Homeschool Curriculum
  • Easy Peasy All-in-One Complete Homeschool Curriculum. ...
  • Science Shepherd Homeschool Curriculum Review. ...
  • BJU Press Homeschool Curriculum. ...
  • Abeka Complete Homeschool Curriculum. ...
  • Bridgeway Academy Complete Homeschool Curriculum. ...
  • Homeschool Complete. ...
  • Apologia Homeschool Curriculum.

Can you write your own homeschool curriculum? ›

Many homeschooling parents—even those who start out using a pre-packaged curriculum—decide somewhere along the way to take advantage of the freedom homeschooling allows by creating their own course of study. If you've never created your own teaching plan, it can sound daunting.

How to choose the right homeschool curriculum? ›

How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum for Your Family
  1. Check Your State Requirements. ...
  2. Set a Budget. ...
  3. Identify Your Homeschooling Style and Philosophy. ...
  4. Consider Your Student's Learning Preferences and Needs. ...
  5. Determine Your Ideal Level of Involvement. ...
  6. Evaluate How Much Instructor Support You Need. ...
  7. Try Before You Buy.
May 17, 2023

Is Time4Learning a real homeschool? ›

Because Time4Learning is a curriculum and not a school, accreditation does not apply to us. However, the curriculum offered by Time4Learning is used at many accredited schools across the United States, and it is educationally rigorous. Read our post to understand more about how accreditation works for homeschoolers.

What is the most popular homeschool method? ›

Relaxed Homeschooling Method. Arguably the most popular method is the Relaxed Homeschooling method, where it doesn't matter how you structure the school day or what method you use.

Is there a downside to homeschooling? ›

Homeschooling Cons

Fewer resources available: In a homeschool environment, some classes may have to look different. You won't have access to a gymnasium, science lab, or an auditorium. This may be something that impacts the subjects you're able to study at home.

Is homeschool curriculum expensive? ›

Homeschooling costs $500 to $2,500 annually per student for curriculum, books, supplies, and enrichment activities. Public schools are free to all children, but parents pay $100 to $1,000 for technology, supplies, and afterschool activities. Private school tuition costs $5,000 to $40,000 per year per student.

Can you use workbooks as homeschool curriculum? ›

Oftentimes you can find great homeschool workbooks if you just spend an extra minute to look through them. I try to find workbooks that will really help them learn and not just be “busy work”. Take a flip through any book you're looking at and think to yourself–“Is this really helping to reinforce a concept?

How do I start my own curriculum? ›

Learning to Build Your Curriculum
  1. Describe your vision, focus, objectives, and student needs.
  2. Identify resources.
  3. Develop experiences that meet your objectives.
  4. Collect and devise materials.
  5. Lock down the specifics of your task.
  6. Develop plans, methods, and processes.
  7. Create your students' experience.
  8. Go!

What is the hardest state to homeschool in? ›

Fast facts on homeschooling

Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont have the most restrictive home school laws. Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Texas have the least amount of regulations regarding homeschooling.

What are the best years to homeschool? ›

Elementary school (ages 5-11)

Your kids are more and more aware (and able to articulate) new thoughts, concepts, insights and experiences all around them. They may also assert more of their independence to you and your ways of thinking.

What is the best grade to start homeschooling? ›

There's no right age to start homeschooling a child. Whether now is the best time to start homeschooling depends on your family and, specifically, the needs of each child.

Does acellus count as real school? ›

Acellus Academy is the official accredited online school of Acellus. Acellus Academy is fully accredited by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). Parents can enroll students through the Acellus Academy website. As a private school, Acellus Academy charges tuition to cover its expenses.

Why do colleges like homeschoolers? ›

1. Higher ACTs and GPAs. A study of the academic outcomes of homeschooled students found that homeschoolers “possess higher ACT scores and grade point averages (GPAs)” than traditional students. As you may know, ACT stands for American College Testing and it's a test that assesses your college readiness.

What do colleges think of homeschoolers? ›

Are homeschooled students accepted to colleges at the same rate as non-homeschooled students? While the simple answer is no, context is key. Homeschooled students with achievements and test scores on par with traditional applicants are accepted at approximately the same rate.

Which is better, IXL or Time4Learning? ›

The main difference between IXL and Time4Learning is that IXL is a subscription-based platform that offers a variety of activities, while Time4Learning is a comprehensive online curriculum that covers all subjects from pre-K to 12th grade.

How much does California pay for homeschooling? ›

Yes, in California, if you opt to homeschool through a public charter school, you get funds (ranging from $2200-$3200 depending on the charter school and grade) that can be spent on curriculum or extracurricular activities.

Is online school better than homeschool? ›

Each offers unique advantages tailored to diverse learning needs and lifestyles. Online schooling provides a structured, digitally-driven educational experience, while homeschooling offers a more personalized, parent-led approach.

Is Time4Learning credible? ›

Since Time4Learning is a curriculum and not a school, you now know that accreditation does not apply. However, the curriculum offered by Time4Learning is used at many accredited schools across the United States, is educationally rigorous, and does prepare your high schooler for college.


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.