Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (2024)

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(oh - puh - lahyt)

Main Origins:

China, India, and The United States.

What is Opalite? Opalite Metaphysical Properties and Benefits Opalite Healing Properties and Benefits Opalite Spiritual Properties and Benefits Opalite Side Effects Opalite Meaning: What Does Opalite Symbolize? Types of Opalite Crystals How to Cleanse Opalite? Questions and Answers Interactions with Opalite

What is Opalite?

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (1)

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light. Its chemical composition consists primarily of silica and other minerals that give it unique luminescence and optical effects.

Opalite enhances communication and emotional expression, and it promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Using Opalite during spiritual and meditation practices is highly beneficial, as its gentle vibrations encourage a deep connection to your higher self.

Opalite Metaphysical Properties and Benefits

Opalite’s blue, purple, and pink colors resonate with the higher chakras. These chakras are associated with intuition, spiritual connection, and higher consciousness. Working with Opalite can enhance your psychic abilities and spiritual growth, and it can give you access to inner wisdom.

Connected to the Water element, Opalite embodies the ebb and flow of life, reflecting the ever-changing nature of your emotions and experiences. Like a serene lagoon, Opalite’s soothing energy fosters emotional balance, helping you navigate life’s currents.

Ruled by the Moon, Opalite draws upon lunar energies to amplify intuition, sensitivity, and emotional understanding. Its radiant glow mirrors the Moon’s delicate embrace, illuminating your path and guiding you through life’s transitions.

Opalite nurtures your emotional well-being and strengthens your connection to home and family. Its gentle vibrations support the Cancerian traits of empathy, loyalty, and sensitivity, instilling a sense of belonging and promoting harmonious relationships.

In feng shui, the Northeast direction is associated with personal growth, spiritual development, and knowledge. When placed in the Northeast sector, Opalite enhances these aspects, inviting wisdom and enlightenment into your life.

Opalite Healing Properties and Benefits


  • Opalite promotes personal growth by assisting in releasing old habits and encouraging self-improvement. Using this stone invites spiritual, mental, and emotional growth.
  • Meditate with Opalite placed on your Third Eye or Crown Chakra, envisioning your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.


  • Working with Opalite stimulates creative thinking and the free flow of ideas. Its iridescent colors inspire imaginative expression, making it an ideal stone for artists and writers.
  • To boost creativity, place Opalite in your workspace or hold it in your hand while brainstorming new ideas or working on creative projects.

Emotional Healing

  • Using Opalite helps balance emotions and alleviate feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. This stone invites positive feelings into your heart space.
  • Wear it as a pendant or carry a piece in your pocket to absorb its calming energy throughout the day.


  • Opalite promotes self-discovery by connecting to your higher self and revealing hidden truths. It allows you to connect with what you want, allowing you to create a life aligned with your needs.
  • Meditate with the stone on your forehead or the top of your head, allowing its energy to guide you toward a deeper understanding of your true self.

Emotional Balance

  • Opalite’s harmonious energy effectively stabilizes emotions, helping maintain a balanced state of mind.
  • Create a crystal grid with Opalite at its center, surrounding it with other calming stones like Amethyst or Rose Quartz, and meditate in the grid’s energy field.

Opalite Spiritual Properties and Benefits

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (2)


  • Using Opalite facilitates mediumship by enhancing psychic abilities and opening channels of communication with the spirit world.
  • Hold the stone in your hand or you can place it on your Third Eye Chakra while meditating, inviting guidance and messages from higher realms.


  • Opalite’s luminescent quality symbolizes transformation and change, assisting you in embracing new beginnings and releasing old patterns.
  • Meditate with the stone or wear it as jewelry, setting your intention for the changes you wish to manifest.

Spiritual Awakening

  • Working with Opalite stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, making it a powerful tool for spiritual awakening.
  • Place the stone on your forehead or the top of your head during meditation or prayer, allowing its energy to guide you toward a greater understanding of your spiritual purpose.

Astral Travel

  • Opalite facilitates astral travel and lucid dreaming by expanding your consciousness and enhancing psychic abilities.
  • Place the stone under your pillow or on your bedside table before sleep, setting your intention for a guided astral journey.

Energy Clearing

  • Opalite’s gentle vibrations effectively clear negative energies and promote spiritual purification.
  • Hold the stone in your hand and visualize its soothing energy washing away negativity and restoring balance.

Opalite Side Effects

  • Overstimulation – Opalite’s connection to the higher chakras may cause overstimulation in some individuals, leading to restlessness or difficulty sleeping.
  • Emotional Sensitivity – The stone’s ability to balance emotions and promote emotional healing might cause some people to experience heightened emotional sensitivity or intensified feelings.
  • Overwhelmed by Psychic Abilities – Opalite may amplify psychic gifts, causing some users to feel overwhelmed or unprepared for the increased intuitive experiences.
  • Energy Imbalances – While Opalite is generally considered a balancing stone, some individuals might experience temporary energy imbalances as their body adjusts to the stone’s energy.

Opalite Meaning: What Does Opalite Symbolize?

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (3)

The meaning of Opalite is “The Stone of Eternity.”

Opalite is a symbol of transformation, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Its otherworldly appearance, reminiscent of the Moon’s glow, has inspired a sense of wonder and mystique, connecting it to the realms of magic and spiritual expansion.

The name “Opalite” is derived from its resemblance to natural Opal, a gemstone known for its striking play of color and light. Its origin as an artificial gemstone does not diminish its spiritual significance, as its creation process imbues it to mirror the natural world’s beauty and energy.

Types of Opalite Crystals

  • True Opalite: Opalite is a man-made glass that is often used as a substitute for natural Opal. It typically appears milky-white, with iridescent blue, purple, and yellow flashes. It has calming and stabilizing effects on emotions and enhances communication and self-expression.
  • Pink Opalite: A pink variety of Opal, this stone has nurturing energy and promotes emotional healing and self-acceptance.
  • White Opalite: Typically a reference to natural White Opal, this stone is prized for its ability to inspire creativity, enhance intuition, and encourage personal growth.
  • Blue Opalite: A blue-tinted version of manufactured Opalite glass, this variation shares the same properties as traditional Opalite, emphasizing enhancing communication and emotional expression.
  • Yellow Opalite: A yellow variety, this stone is known for its uplifting energy, helping to promote optimism, self-confidence, and emotional balance.
  • Green Opalite: This is often a reference to Green Opal, a natural stone that supports emotional healing, personal growth, and rejuvenation.
  • Red Opalite: A red variety of Opal, this stone is associated with vitality, passion, and motivation. It can help to rekindle the fire within and drive personal transformation.
  • Brown Opalite: Often referred to as Brown Opal or common Opal, this stone has grounding and stabilizing energy.
  • Purple Opalite: A purple variety, this stone is connected to spiritual growth and intuition.
  • Peach Opalite: A peach-colored variety of Opal known for its nurturing and calming energy. It promotes emotional healing and can help to ease stress and anxiety.
  • Cat Eye Opalite: A variety of Opal that can occur in different colors with a chatoyant effect, resembling a cat’s eye. This stone helps you rebuild your well-being after your vitality has been lowered.
  • Golden Lace Opalite: A variety of Opal with golden inclusions or patterns that resemble lace. It is a stone for manifestation and abundance.
  • Black Opalite: A black or dark-colored variety of Opal with an iridescent play of colors. It enhances intuition, creativity, and provides protection.
  • Oregon Opalite Agate: A specific type of Agate found in Oregon, which exhibits colors and patterns similar to Opal. These Agates have grounding and balancing properties.

How to Cleanse Opalite?

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (4)

  • Moonlight – Place it under the Full Moon’s light and recite positive affirmations.
  • Smudging – Pass it through the smoke of burning sage or palo santo while meditating on its release of negative energy.
  • Sound – Place your Opalite next to a bell or singing bowl and play the bell or bowl for at least 2 minutes to let sound cleanse the stone.

Questions and Answers

Is Opalite a real gemstone?

Yes, Opalite is a real gemstone, but it is manufactured. Opalite is synthetic glass designed to mimic the appearance of natural Opal.

Is Opalite fake Opal?

Opalite is not a fake Opal but rather an imitation of natural Opal.

Does Opalite glow in the dark?

Opalite doesn’t inherently glow in the dark, but it displays intense iridescence and appears to glow when light passes through it, especially under artificial or dim lighting.

Can Opalite get wet?

Yes, Opalite can get wet. As it is glass, it is not affected by water.

Can I shower with Opalite?

It is safe to shower with Opalite. Since it’s made of glass, water will not harm it.

Is Opalite safe in the Sun?

Opalite is safe in the Sun, as it is not likely to fade or be damaged by sunlight.

How do you identify a real Opalite?

Opalite is artificial and has a consistent appearance with a milky, iridescent quality. It usually has a blue or orange sheen, and when held up to the light, it may exhibit an intense iridescence.

On the other hand, Natural Opal has a more varied appearance compared to Opalite with a unique combination of colors.

How do you take care of Opalite stone?

Store: Keep it in a soft pouch or lined jewelry box to prevent scratches or damage.

Pack: If you need to transport it, wrap it in a soft cloth or bubble wrap to protect it from impacts.

Clean: Use a soft, damp cloth and gently wipe the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives.

What crystal to pair with Opalite?

Opalite can be paired with various crystals, depending on your intention. Common pairings include Rose Quartz for love and emotional healing, Amethyst for spiritual growth and intuition, and Clear Quartz for amplifying energy and intentions.

Is Opalite expensive?

Opalite is generally relatively inexpensive. Its price is usually lower than natural Opal or other precious gemstones.

Interactions with Opalite

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (5)Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (6)

Opalite vs. Moonstone

Opalite’s and Moonstone’s lunar energies create a harmonious and powerful duo, amplifying their individual properties while promoting balance, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.

ChakrasCrown, Third Eye, and Heart.Crown, Third Eye, Heart, and Root.
Ruling PlanetMoonMoon
Ruling ElementWaterWater
MOHS5.5 to 6.5.6 to 6.5.

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (7)Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (8)

Opalite vs. Labradorite

Opalite and Labradorite’s connection to the Water element is magnified when used together, creating an enchanting blend of energies that encourages emotional healing, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

ChakrasCrown, Third Eye, and Heart.Third Eye and Throat.
Ruling PlanetMoonMoon
Ruling ElementWaterWater
MOHS5.5 to 6.5.6 to 6.5.

Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (9)Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (10)

Opalite vs. Fire Opal

Opalite and Fire Opal unite the tranquil essence of water with the vibrant spirit of fire. Together, these gemstones create a dance of energies that nurtures growth, ignites passion, and fosters balance.

CrystalOpaliteFire Opal
ChakrasCrown, Third Eye, and Heart.Sacral
Ruling PlanetMoonMars
Ruling ElementWaterFire
MOHS5.5 to to 6.5.

Opalite Guides and Articles

The Battle of the Gemstones: Moonstone vs. Opalite

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light.

Opal vs. Opalite: Complete List of Differences and Similarities

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light.

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Opalite: Meaning, Properties, and Benefits You Should Know (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.