Paleo Bread - The Best Low Carb Almond Flour Bread Recipe (2024)

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by Victoria 36 Comments

This easy almond flour bread recipe is perfect for anyone needing to eat a low carb diet, like GAPS, paleo, and keto! It's the best paleo bread for sandwiches too!

Paleo Bread - The Best Low Carb Almond Flour Bread Recipe (1)

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Any healing or weight loss diet based on real food is likely going to cause you to cut wheat and grains from your diet. GAPS is no exception.

However, with a small child in the house and a "meat and potatoes" kind of husband, I needed to find something that would help us ease the transition from "standard American eating" to GAPS.

Normally, I make einkorn sandwich bread from scratch, so we were already used to homemade bread versus store bought - which was a blessing!

We actually found that this almond flour bread recipe had a very similar texture to the homemade einkorn bread we were used to eating! It did crumble a little more easily, but if you toast it first, it stays together perfectly for sandwiches!

Almond Flour Bread Recipe

With just a few ingredients, this paleo bread is super easy to throw together! We make about 2 loaves a week max during transition, then cut back to maybe 2 per month after that.

It has really helped our son with converting to Full GAPS to be able to have this bread with grass-fed butter and some fruit in the morning!

RELATED: Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Cookies

Paleo Bread - The Best Low Carb Almond Flour Bread Recipe (2)

Almond Flour Bread - Paleo, GAPS, Keto

This easy almond flour bread recipe is perfect for anyone needing to eat a low carb diet, like GAPS, paleo, and keto! It's the best paleo bread for sandwiches too!

4.12 from 42 votes

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Course: Breakfast, Condiment, Main Course

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Almond Flour Bread Recipe, Paleo Bread

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 1 loaf


  • 5 cups Almond Flour, fine
  • 10 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp Butter, room temperature
  • 1 Tbsp Honey (optional)
  • 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt


  • Preheat oven to 350°.

  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well combined. Scrape down the sides and run for a few seconds.

  • Pour batter into a greased 9x5-inch bread pan. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

  • Allow to cool for 30 minutes before removing from pan. Cut when cool.

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Almond Flour Bread Nutritional Information

This nutritional card has been updated to show a more accurate carb, calorie, fat, and protein count per slice!
Paleo Bread - The Best Low Carb Almond Flour Bread Recipe (3)

Almond Flour Bread FAQ

Can you make this recipe without a food processor?
Yes! I have just found that it's a little fluffier and not as dense when you make it with the food processor. However, you can mix it by hand or in a mixer, if needed.

Can I use something other than eggs?
While I have not tried it, you can make gelatin eggs or flax eggs as a replacement and try that instead.

How do I store this almond bread?
We store it on the counter at room temperature for up to 5 days. Wrap it in a towel to keep it from getting hard, but that's it!

How long does it last?
This almond bread will last at room temperature for about 5 days, depending on the humidity level. In the fridge it will last for about 10 days, and it will freeze for about 6 months!

How to I freeze and thaw this almond bread?
To freeze, simply place in a freezer save container and place in the freezer for up to 6 months. To thaw, bring it to room temperature slowly on the counter.

If you are going to eat it right away (individual muffins or slices), you can place it on a tray in the oven at 350° for about 15 minutes to warm and thaw.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Madeleine says

    Do I melt the butter and pour it in?


    • Victoria says

      Hi Madeleine! I use room temp butter, but you can also melt it instead, if you prefer :-)


  2. Js says

    Can this be made in the bread machine?


    • Victoria says

      Hi there, I have not tried it, but I wouldn’t think so. It’s best made in the oven. There is no rise time, so it wouldn’t need the bread machine.


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Paleo Bread - The Best Low Carb Almond Flour Bread Recipe (2024)


Why didn't my almond flour bread rise? ›

Using Almond flour will not make your read rise at all. Dough rises because gasses produced by the yeast are captured in the dough by the gluten structure. Almond doesn't have gluten so no structure and not rising. Gluten free bread usually replaces gluten by other additives such as guar gum or xanthan etc.

How many carbs in a slice of almond flour bread? ›

2g net carbs (and just 5g total carbohydrates) per slice – won't spike blood sugar!

What bread is allowed on Paleo diet? ›

These hidden nutrients are only released through the sprouted grain process, which is why Ezekiel bread is considered a good option to eat by many people following the Paleo diet. Again, not everyone on the Paleo diet will eat bread made with grains, but many others are allowing it in their diet on a limited basis.

Can you have almond flour on Paleo diet? ›

Almond flour has a sweet flavor and rich buttery texture. It's high-fat, high-protein, and fantastic for gluten-free baking. It's also wonderful for grain-free paleo baking, and incredible when it comes to making cookies, cakes, scones, and muffins.

What is the ratio of almond flour to bread flour? ›

Almond flour is a little more moist than wheat flour, and doesn't have quite the same binding qualities. You'll do best to substitute 1:1 to begin with, as many recipes respond well to this direct replacement. But be prepared to add more almond flour as you go to compensate for the wetter batter.

Which type of bread is lowest in carbs? ›

6 Low-Carb Breads to Try
  • Base Culture Original Keto Bread. Flaxseed, arrowroot and almond flour, and almond butter give this bread its nutty, sweet flavor. ...
  • Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain Bread. ...
  • Julian Bakery Keto Thin Bread. ...
  • Simple Mills Focaccia. ...
  • Unbun Unbread. ...
  • Outer Aisle Sandwich Thin. ...
  • Cloud Bread. ...
  • Almond Flour Bread.
Nov 3, 2022

Does almond flour bread spike blood sugar? ›

Almond flour is a low glycemic index food. Compared to wheat flour, almond flour has fewer sugars and carbohydrates. Switching to almond flour can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels more effectively.

Can you eat almond flour bread everyday? ›

No, almond flour is high in Omega-6's and can cause inflammation when eaten in excess or when consumption is out of proportion to the appropriate omega 6/omega 3 ratio. So, in excess, it would cause inflammation. Also, many people do not know if they are allergic to almonds.

What cheese is OK on paleo? ›

A Paleo-diet purist will tell you no, all cheese should be avoided on a Paleo lifestyle. Paleolithic humans didn't milk cows or process dairy. This is one case in which keto diet rules are much more lax than paleo.

Is Dave's Killer bread paleo friendly? ›

Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grains And Seeds Organic Bread. This product contains 21 ingredients that are not paleo and 2 ingredients that may not be paleo. Which diet do you follow? Follow more than one?

What is a Paleo substitute for almond flour? ›

Cassava flour reacts differently when it comes into contact with water and heat than almond flour. It also gets much crispier than both arrowroot and almond flour. Use Thrive Market Non-GMO Cassava Flour to make homemade grain-free pastas, pie crusts, paleo tortillas, Apple Crumbles, and Paleo Popcorn Chicken.

What is the healthiest almond flour? ›

Blanched almond flour is a wheat flour alternative that's all natural and delicious. It's made purely from almonds and has become one of the best choices for a healthy type of baking flour.

What is the best flour for Paleo? ›

Popular (and delicious) paleo substitutes for wheat flour include almond flour, coconut flour and cassava flour.

How do you get almond flour to rise? ›

Yeast doesn't really work well with low-carb flours like almond flour, so it's pointless to add. Egg, baking powder, and baking soda make almond flour rise, though.

How do you fix bread that didn't rise? ›

To fix dough that won't rise, try placing the dough on the lowest rack in your oven along with a baking pan filled with boiling water. Close the oven door and let the dough rise. Increasing the temperature and moisture can help activate the yeast in the dough so it rises. You can also try adding more yeast.

Does almond flour dough rise? ›

Why Does Almond Flour Not Rise? Almond flour does not have gluten, which is necessary for the rise you'd expect out of doughs made with flour. While the egg and baking soda do help keep this crust from being cracker-crisp, it won't rise much due to the lack of gluten.

Does almond flour rise the same as regular flour? ›

When you replace some of the all-purpose flour with almond flour in non-yeast recipes, you'll probably notice a difference in how your baked goods either rise, or spread. Cookies and scones may spread more; cake, biscuits, and muffins may rise less.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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