Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (2024)

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024 at 18:00by Azortharion29 comments

General Information

The following guide covers everythingyou need to know about Beast Mastery Hunter Pets in The War Within,including the best ones to use in each situation such as Raiding, Mythic+,and Soloing/Open-World Content.

Please refer to our Hunter Pets Guide formore information regarding Hunter pets, including what the different pet families are andwhere you can find pets.


Best Raiding Pet for Survival Hunter in The War Within

As a Survival Hunter, you should generally be using a Ferocity pet for raids.They provide 4% Leech, which will heal you when you do damage.

While any good-looking Ferocity pet will do well in most situations, HealingReduction pets like Carrion Birds, Ravagers, Scorpid, and Wasps can besituationally useful. These will reduce enemy healing, and this effect workson bosses that heal themselves and can be invaluable in niche scenarios whereno one else is providing this effect.

Tenacity Pets are also helpful, as they provide a powerful defensive inSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (1) Fortitude of the Bear, and 5% max health. This is more useful forsurviving individual, heavy damage periods of fights, while Ferocity is betterfor long-term self-sustain. If you want a Tenacity Healing Reduction Pet, youwill need a Direhorn, Hydra, Lizard, or Riverbeast.


Best Mythic+ Pet for Survival Hunter in The War Within

For Mythic+, the first consideration you need to make is whether you need tobe the Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (2) Bloodlust for the group. If you do, you are locked intousing a Ferocity pet. The best Ferocity pet you can use for almost all Mythic+purposes is a Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (3) Mortal Wounds healing reduction pet, such as a CarrionBird, Ravager, Scorpid, or Wasp. There are several mobs throughoutMythic+ in The War Within that heal themselves, as well as bosses. Since none ofthe other pet utilities is typically relevant for Mythic+, having a Ferocityhealing reduction pet as your "default" is a safe bet.

It can also be worth having a Damage Reduction Tenacity pet prepared.These can be used to taunt mobs for heavy tankbuster mechanics to spare yourtank a lot of damage. With their 50% damage reduction on a 1-minute cooldownand 5% extra max health, these pets can take heavy hits regularly.


Best Soloing and Leveling Pet for Survival Hunter in The War Within

For open-world content and soloing in The War Within, Ferocity pets arepreferred, as their Leech will allow them to heal themselves for a bit of theirdamage. The best Ferocity pet for tanking things is a Scalehide, as they have50% reduced damage taken on a 1-minute cooldown.


Pet Specializations

There are 3 different pet specializations. These specializationsare determined by your pet family and they cannot be changed. We recommendhaving a variety of pets of each spec, so that you can cover any situation.

Pet SpecPassive EffectActive Ability
FerocitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (4) Predator's Thirst gives you and your pet 4% Leech.Leech heals you based on how much damage you do.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (5) Primal Rage, which provides the Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (6) Bloodlust/Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (7) Heroism effect, increasing Haste for you and all nearby alliesby 30% for 40 seconds. This shares cooldown with Bloodlust/Heroismand similar effects.
TenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (8) Endurance Training increases the maximum health of you andyour pet by 5%.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (9) Fortitude of the Bear is a defensive ability that increases yourmaximum health by 20% for 10 seconds, on a 2-minute cooldown.
CunningSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (10) Pathfinding increases the movement speed of you and yourpet by 8%.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (11) Master's Call removes all movement-impairing effects fromyour pet and a friendly target, and makes them immune to movement-impairingeffects for 4 seconds. The friendly target can be you. It has a 45-secondcooldown.


Pet Families and Abilities

Every Pet Family has a special ability. We recommend having at least oneof every special ability and spec combination.


Ferocity Pets

Special AbilityDescriptionPet Families
Damage Reduction CooldownReduces the damage taken of your pet by 50% for 12 seconds.This has a 1-minute cooldown.Core Hound (Exotic), Scalehide.
Self-DispelRemoves 1 Disease, 1 Magic, and 1 Poison effect from your pet. 10-secondcooldown.Bats, Rays
Healing ReductionReduces the healing taken of your pet's target by 25% for 10 seconds.This has a 6-second cooldown, which means that it will be active all thetime.Carrion Bird, Devilsaur (Exotic), Ravager, Scorpid, Wasp.
Damage Reduction On Low HealthReduces your pet's damage taken by 60% for 15 seconds when your petfalls below 40% health.Clefthoof (Exotic), Gorilla.
Dodge Chance CooldownThis ability increases your pet's Dodge chance by 30% for 20 seconds.It has a 1.5-minute cooldown.Cat, Courser, Wind Serpent
Slow/SnareReduces the movement speed of your pet's target by 50% for 6 seconds.It has a 10-second cooldown.Crocolisk, Spider, Tallstrider, Wolf, Chimaera.


Tenacity Pets

Special AbilityDescriptionPet Families
Damage Reduction CooldownReduces the damage taken of your pet by 50% for 12 seconds.This has a 1-minute cooldown.Krolusk (Exotic), Beetle, Turtle.
Self-DispelRemoves 1 Disease, 1 Magic, and 1 Poison effect from your pet. 10-secondcooldown.Spirit Beast (Exotic), Waterfowl, Stag
Healing ReductionReduces the healing taken of your pet's target by 25% for 10 seconds.This has a 6-second cooldown, which means that it will be active all thetime.Direhorn, Hydra, Riverbeast, Lizard.
Damage Reduction On Low HealthReduces your pet's damage taken by 60% for 15 seconds when your petfalls below 40% health.Oxen, Bear.
Dodge Chance CooldownThis ability increases your pet's Dodge chance by 30% for 20 seconds.It has a 1.5-minute cooldown.*Feathermane, Dragonhawk, Toad.
Slow/SnareReduces the movement speed of your pet's target by 50% for 6 seconds.It has a 10-second cooldown.Worm (Exotic), Crab, Mammoth, Blood Beast
Magical Damage ReductionSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (12) Shimmering Scales reduces your pet's magical damage taken by 70% for 8 seconds, on a 1.5-minute cooldown.Lesser Dragonkin

*Feathermane pets also have Updraft, which enables Slow Fall for you andyour pet, allowingyou to fall safely from almost any height while the pet is active for30 seconds.


Cunning Pets

Special AbilityDescriptionPet Families
Damage Reduction CooldownReduces the damage taken of your pet by 50% for 12 seconds.This has a 1-minute cooldown.Shale Beast (Exotic), Boar, Mechanical.
Self-DispelRemoves 1 Disease, 1 Magic, and 1 Poison effect from your pet. 10-secondcooldown.Sporebat, Moth, Water Strider (Exotic)
Healing ReductionReduces the healing taken of your pet's target by 25% for 10 seconds.This has a 6-second cooldown, which means that it will be active all thetime.Hyena, Rodent, Raptor.
Damage Reduction On Low HealthReduces your pet's damage taken by 60% for 15 seconds when your petfalls below 40% health.Gruffhorn, Pterrordax (Exotic), Camel
Dodge Chance CooldownThis ability increases your pet's Dodge chance by 30% for 20 seconds.It has a 1.5-minute cooldown.Fox, Monkey, Serpent.
Slow/SnareReduces the movement speed of your pet's target by 50% for 6 seconds.It has a 10-second cooldown.Basilisk, Bird of Prey, Hound, Warp Stalker, Aqiri (Exotic).

* Water Strider pets also have Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (13) Surface Trot, a passive abilitythat lets you and your pet walk on water while out of combat. Damage willbreak this effect.


Exotic Pets (Beast Mastery-only)

Pet FamilySpecializationSpecial AbilityExotic Ability
Core HoundFerocitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (14) Obsidian Skin reduces your pet's damage taken by 50% for 12seconds. It has a 1-minute cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (15) Molten Hide causes your pet to gain Molten Hide when it getsh*t by a melee attack, causing it to deal slight Fire damage to all furthermelee attackers for 10 seconds. It can only activate every 60 seconds.
ChimaeraFerocitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (16) Frost Breath reduces the movement speed of your pet's targetby 50% for 6 seconds. It has a 10-second cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (17) Froststorm Breath is an 8-second channeled ability for yourpet that deals AoE damage to all enemies within 12 yards every 2 seconds.It costs 10 Focus to activate, and then 5 Focus per second tomaintain.
DevilsaurFerocitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (18) Monstrous Bite reduces the healing taken of your pet'starget by 25%. It lasts 10 seconds and has a 6-second cooldown, meaning itis up all the time.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (19) Feast lets you order your pet to consume a nearby Humanoidor Beast corpse within 5 yards, healing your pet for 20% of its maximumhealth, and restoring 20 Focus over 6 seconds.
ClefthoofFerocitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (20) Thick Hide gives your pet a 60% damage reduction for 15seconds when it falls below 40% health. This can only occur once every 2minutes.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (21) Blood of the Rhino is a passive effect that increases yourpet's armor by 10%, and increases the effectiveness of all healing done toit by 20%.
CarapidTenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (22) Bulwark reduces the damage taken of your pet by 50% for 12 seconds.It has a 1-minute cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (23) Calcified Carapace reduces the Physical damage taken of your pet bya very small amount.
Stone HoundTenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (24) Stone Armor buffs your pet when it falls below 40% health,reducing its damage taken by 40% and healing it for 3% of its maximumhealth every 1 second for 15 seconds. This effect can only occur every 2minutes.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (25) Eternal Guardian is an instant resurrection for your pet.If your pet has died, you can use it to instantly revive it with 100% ofits health. It has an 8-minute cooldown.
Spirit BeastTenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (26) Spirit Pulse removes 1 Magic, 1 Disease, and 1 Poison effect fromitself. It has a 10-second cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (27) Spirit Mend heals a friendly target for a small amountinstantly, and applies a small healing DoT for 10 seconds. It costs 5 petFocus. It can be cast on yourself as well. Spirit Beasts also have theProwl stealth ability, like Cats.
WormTenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (28) Acid Spit reduces the movement speed of your pet's targetby 50% for 6 seconds. It has a 10-second cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (29) Burrow Attack is an 8-second channeled ability for your petthat deals AoE damage to all enemies within 12 yards every 2 seconds. Itcosts 10 Focus to activate, and then 5 Focus per second to maintain.
KroluskTenacitySurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (30) Bulwark reduces your pet's damage taken by 50% for 12seconds. It has a 1-minute cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (31) Calcified Carapace passively reduces your pet's Physicaldamage taken by approximately 10%. The proper spell data is not in the gamefor this ability yet.
Shale BeastCunningSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (32) Solid Shell reduces your pet's damage taken by 50% for 12seconds. It has a 1-minute cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (33) Shimmering Shale passively reduces your pet's magic damagetaken by approximately 10%.
AqiriCunningSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (34) Tendon Rip reduces the movement speed of your pet's targetby 50% for 6 seconds. It has a 10-second cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (35) Dune Strider passively increases your pet's movement speedby 30%.
Water StriderCunningSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (36) Soothing Waters removes 1 Magic, 1 Disease, and 1 Poison effect fromitself. It has a 10-second cooldown.Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (37) Surface Trot allows you and your pet to walk on water.Any damage taken will cancel the effect and cause you to fall in thewater.
PterrordaxCunningSurvival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (38) Ancient Hide Reduces your pet's damage taken by 60% for 15 seconds when your petfalls below 40% health.



  • 09 Sep. 2024: Preliminary update for The War Within Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 06 Jan. 2023: Added page.

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Survival Hunter Pets Guide - The War Within (Season 1) (2024)


What pets should a survival hunter use? ›

As a Survival Hunter, you should generally be using a Ferocity pet for raids. They provide 4% Leech, which will heal you when you do damage. While any good-looking Ferocity pet will do well in most situations, Healing Reduction pets like Carrion Birds, Ravagers, Scorpid, and Wasps can be situationally useful.

What hunter pet should I use? ›

While a Spirit Beast will serve you well in most situations, Healing Reduction pets like Hyenas, Rodents, and Raptors can be situationally useful. These will reduce enemy healing, and this effect works on bosses that heal themselves and can be invaluable in niche scenarios where no one else is providing this effect.

Can Survival Hunter have 2 pets? ›

You start the game with a maximum of just one pet on your active pet bar. You gain the ability to take more pets with you as you increase in level, just like any other hunter skill. While you can still only have one pet out at a time*, you can have up to 5 in your pet bar, ready to be called out.

What hunter pets do the most damage? ›

For maximum DPS, a ferocity pet is the optimal choice. Although you may have a particular fondness for your Sporebat, he's not going to make you shine as well as a wolf would in tonight's raid. Ferocity pets are the undisputed kings of overall DPS.

What animal is the best solo hunter? ›

Reasons for high hunting success. Most mammals have a hunting success below 50% but some mammals such as African wild dogs and harbour porpoises can have hunting success rates of over 90%. The African wild dog is one of the most effective hunters on earth, with hunting success reaching a maximum of 90%.

What is the best weapon for a survival hunter? ›

Survival Hunters are now melee; they prefer two-handed weapons (some 2H axes and swords are agility and work) such as polearms and staves. Mastery: Spirit Bond: You and the investing ability of your pet Concentrate deal enhanced harm. You both regain part of your full health every 5 seconds when your pet is involved.

What is the best hunter level pet? ›

Best Hunter Pets For Leveling in Classic WoW
  • Owls: Owls are immediately accessible to Night Elves, as they are abundant everywhere in the starting zones. ...
  • Carrion Birds: Carrion Birds are the easier to obtain Horde alternative.

Do all Hunter pets do the same damage? ›

In The War Within, all pets do equal damage.

What is the best hunter pet in season of discovery? ›

Owl are the "best" option when it comes to the B tier pets. They have a damage modifier of 1.07 but can also learn the ability. This has historically made them overall great pets to level with early on.

How do I rename my Hunter pet? ›

In modern WoW, you can change a hunter pet's name using these steps:
  1. Summon the pet.
  2. Right click on the pet frame in the user interface.
  3. Choose Rename.

How do I make my hunter pets the same? ›

The only way to have 2 pets that look the same active at once, is to tame 2 pets of the same type. 1 pet, you call out as usual. The other, you place in the first stable slot, when you visit a stable master. And when you use the Animal Companion-talent, this will allow both those beasts to be out at the same time.

What are the three types of hunter pets? ›

With Patch 3.0. 2, Hunter pets have been completely reworked. Pet families now are divided into the three classes: Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity. Ferocity pets are good for continuous damage, tenacity pets make good tanks, and cunning pets have unique abilities which can be very useful in certain situations.

What animal gives the most money in the Hunter? ›

The best way to earn cash in this game is to Canada Goose hunt.

What hunter pet to get? ›

Reban is your #1 must have as he can be used in all hunter specs, has the Mortal Strike ability for healing mobs and players, works well for Wild Call Cunning Pet as he is undead and will not get polymorphed by mobs as well as for PVP in that respect, Speed buff, and Masters Call for immobilize.

What animal is the best survivalist? ›

The Top 5 Animals Most Likely To Survive Global Disaster
  • Tardigrades. First on our list has to be everyone's favorite microscopic creature. ...
  • co*ckroaches. Moving onto our second animal, it would be a shame not to mention the humble co*ckroach. ...
  • Vultures. ...
  • Sharks. ...
  • Emperor penguins.
Jun 11, 2024

What is the best pet for hunting? ›

Best Dog Breeds For Hunting
  • labrador retriever.
  • nova scotia duck tolling retriever.
  • hunting.
  • norwegian elkhound.
  • german wirehaired pointer.
  • boykin spaniel.
  • irish water spaniel.
  • english springer spaniel.

Do hunter gatherers have pets? ›

In North America, many hunter-gatherer societies used dogs as pack animals. By toting the group's belongings, dogs could extend the range of a hunting group or speed up the movement of families changing their dwelling sites.


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.