Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Telephont REpablic 1234 SUNDAY APRIL 6 1952 I if A WASHIN GTON Radio'TV: Only the Songs Are for Sale on Show I Hrw SCENE 8 HEARD to 9 me in lies Guest Here rom Paris 630 kc gay Rio Carnival at Substantial Savings! Richards RADIO Sunday WTOP 1500 WRC 980 WMAL 630 Living Lesson WTOP TV Channel 9 ws Melodle 8:00 PM Xewi: Metodie On 13th Street Christian Baptist Church ATERNOON PROGHAMS Guy Lombardo Bing Crosby Rods Moonrl ial a a Express I Sunday Matinee Top Spot OSCMrLPW 30 I Guest Artist Baptist Ch'rch Stop the Music Meet Your nr ivi a The $64 Qi I ion Billie Study 0 Messi Wthei Chicano Theater Hotel ign Off ew Rockab) Music ovqjg i MMEDIATE LOANS ML MU SI! rl MM HniiHiiiimiiii MWE KEEP YOU IN HOT 5 fl i I i nes 1 I Speaki of World PROGRAMS New Encore Encore Liberty Speak will do for your The Hecht Co Named Liza a United Jew DIAMONDS JEWELRY WATCHES SILVER A UNITED JEWISH APPEAL PRODUCTION Youth orum Youth orum My riend Irma My riend Irma Our Miss RroolU People Act Cboraliere aliere 'Life of Riley' Coming Back To TV Radio Goodman uslcal estiv Goodman Roundtable Nows Trout Trout News There it Zephyr Patented Awning to Protect and Every Home and BiHinejs luildiiip A PASSOVER STORY NEVER ORGET Panelist Klavan Reports Verdict Is Strictly Up Up Allee aye Theater Guild LEVENSON: There is thing as artistic deter LOCAL ACTORY OR IMMEDIATE SERVICE ReRe Our Service Includes Repainting Reslatting Retaping and Parts Replacement Roundtabb John 1 Anthony OLD BLINDS MADE LIKE NEW NOW YOU CAN SHOP AT HOME OR CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES OR REUPHOLSTERY uniaw Awnine jelly adopted fr winifowfc (B li suitable for most Homes and Office laildmfs MICKEY DEEMS that funny funnyman Inlemationally acrlaimrd WELLS THEATRE BALLET Highspots On Radio BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR LINCOLN and MERCURY DEALER (WNBW) I finds time two young 4 4:15 4:30 4:45 "ft :00 ft: 15 11:30 on "Meet the in one of their I CALL NA 5100 Washington Silver Spring Parkington Arlington TUSKEGEE CHOIR Stirring Choral Music MONTEZ DE OCA Spanish Circus Due in a Thrilling New Trampalinc Act CaACd Dear Heed 1 0 deeladtor beth Home ead IWIMH Shunin I UM te1V) Mt Hcalarly ewited daerweyt facial West Erroneouj listings it any ltd tai ti last mlnufi 1 changes cancellations or insertions mad by broad I casting stations and networks after press timo SVMAI 10T3 Megacycle 7am tn I a 939 Mracyrlea 1 am to I am WU DC 1011 Megacycle 7 a rn to 1 am YrOL 987 Megaeyrle 7 a in io 1 am WTOP 963 Megacycle! 7am to 1 a HOMS 103S MrgacycTM 7 a rn to Midnight WASH Megacycle I 46 am to 11 prn VAUGHN MONROE tells the I story about the husband who went out for a night of poker with the boys When the game broke up he was dismayed to i find the sun was up What could he tell his wife? inally he had an inspiration He phoned her and shouted hoarsely: all "The Life of Is coming back to television andradio William Bendi? who made the role famous in radio will be starred in the new National Broadcasting company tele vision and radio presentations of Life of which will be on the air from Holly wood next fall NBC has acquired radio and TV rights to Life of and last season signed William Bendix to a long term NBC contract The situation comedy show will originate in Hollywood in the fall Having performed as an ama teur in plays in East Side set tlement houses Bendix began an actng career in the mid 1930s and in 1939 became the hit of Wililam "The Time of Your on Broad way in the role of a policeman Both Bendix and the play were hits and he toured in it until 1941 when the movies beck oned He clicked instantly in Hollywood and became a top character actor in films Bendix turned to radio in 1945 when NBC producers were looking for a to character for the role of Chester A Riley A One Zephyr Awnlaj I for trMt lvPl vinwi tranti right darling they let me go pay the Monroe Show WRC WGMS 570 7: no BY BERNIE HARRISON MATTER how honest a TV competition is conducted there is al ways ment of the that will take proceedings The whole thing they will tell you is fixed 'You really think its on the up and they ask grinning broadly and wink ing as if the possibility was really the funniest thing they'd heard that day Don ever make the mistake tho of trying to conwnce them Not even when you can relay tt them for example the state ment of a performer who has appeared on one or the net wqtJs stows jnd is willing to swear on a stark of Nielsens that the whole thing is on the up and up As a case in point give you tax and warranty includ ed) WTOP's Gene Klavan who only recently returned from New York where he served on the panel of Steve Allen "Songs for a cynical seg viewint audience a dim view of the of Hawk always worth re KEN CARPENTER: You know often wondered what kind of a golfer Bob Hope is 1 mean his handicap? BING CROSBY: His lack of talent! Sun Symphony Sun Symphony "There's a blessing in the Cali fornia floods said Waltei O'Keefe 'Usually I close my office at 6 pm and go to my house The other night tho my house came down and picked me WWDC 1260jWEAM 1390 WOL 1450 MILLIE: Going steady with a man who like weddings is like eating soup with a fork! All you get is exercise Meet Mdlio WTOP YVASJI 971 10 am to 11 prn WBUZ 967 Megacycle 3 pm to 9 pm 1063 Megacycle '6 am to 9 pm 1003 Megacycle 6:15 am to 9 pm 996 Megacydea 4 pm to 11 pm Claude Borelli film candi date on a recent Hollywood Screen Test program was dis covered at the Grand Guignol horror show in Paris and flown to these shores by producer Lester Lewis for her one ap pearance on the "stairway to show marking the first time the program has im ported a Hollywood candidate Last year the actress and singer was sent to Rio as the ambassadress from Paris for the KENNY DELMAR history in reverse know that scene where Grant takes Richmond?" said Allen take said Claghorn "and run it backwards and I see Richmond taking Showcase WNBW ED TOAST THE TOWN Let us show you haw Httle it test install permanent treubie free Zephyr Awnings on your Home er Business Building Call or write far estimate and consultation 8 RE PATENT NO 11053 Call RE 6262 for ree Inspection and Estimate or HOMESl OR OICES! 8 AM to 9 PM Underwood Commentary Mwwah Messiah Messiah turn a quick briefing prior to lhe show They were asked to irv to select the song not the presentation or the pertorm I The remainder of the pro I gram Gene says including the interviews with the contestants 1 Is well thought out and re hearsed 1 SAM ciirh minism A man can decide to do any tiling: it must be in him I know a kid on our block who entertained at every party every affair every wedding every anniversary So you know what he was when he grew up? A caterer! Bamboo thapas Sift 1 Mh SL NWm ML You can see what a fabric furniture before you buy brings you big size swatches no extra charge not even any obligation Dial NAtional 5100 ext 5293 for an appointment Like everything else infla tion has hit jokes according to Bob Hawk who has to keep up with the current "gag "maftef on his Monday night "Bob Hawk over WTOP radio "Scores says telling "But now the inflationary trend has forced Comedians to revise prices mentioned in stories A gag which was pointed around a nickel ten years ago now has to be made 50 cents to sound logical "As an example the story about the man who put a dime on the bar and said 'Whisky The bartender said We sell any 10 cent whiskey in and the guy said: heck with that nickel and walked otrt "Now it has to be told this way the man put a quarter on the bar and said 'Whisky The bartender said 'We sell any quarter whisky in and the guy said: heck with that 15 cent stuff and walked out Others that have to be re vised upwards Hawk says are things like tough to pay 80 cents a pound for steak these 1 1 :30 I Record Shop 11 :45 I John Lea mo nt 1600 Kilocyclej an to pm 730 Kliuijclca 7 am to 6:4 i pni 7S0 Kilocycle 7 am to 6:4 6 1050 Kilocyrlra 6:15 to 6:30 pm 1120 Kilocycle 6:15 to 6:30 pm IttO Kilocycle 7 am to 5:45 1840 Kilocycle CAROLE Ralph Edwards' vocalist Carole oppears on both his radio (WRC) and TV shows and still to raise her daughters LONG with three other gen tiemen 'Garry Moore Paul Tripp and a music publisher i and a lady who wrqte a number of hits Gene selected a winner from the group of songs pre sented on the program Gene states flatly of the panelists met the contestants and the panel hardly met Steve Allen A brief hello and into the show we went The audience in the studio took a personal interest and had a great time booing and cheer ing each decision The judging of the songs was strictly on the level there is no prear rangement on who is to Gene further reports that he seemed to be the only one who voted for the last song which was penned by two Washington musicians Toby Tyler and Carr Van Sickler He doesn't know how the others voted He adds that the judges are SENATOR CLAGHORN (Kenny Delmar) told red Allen that his favorite movie was'Gone With the "And really only interested one he went on you CWNiUD'aM MG 61 mH I KC 11:35 a WTOP Invitation to Learning "Wal is discused 12:30 WOL Georgetown orum Youth Ques tions the Policy of Controls Leon Keyserling guest 2 WMAL Open House Lucilfe Ball arid Desi Arnaz visit Jim Ameche 2:30 WTOP New Phil harmonic Dmitri Mitropou los conductor Robert Ca daseus soloist 2:30 WWBS Baseball Exhibition game between Washington and Cincinnati 5 WRC Playhouse Garry Merrill stars in Patient 5:30 WMAL Greatest Story The first of two Easter season dramas Betraval and the Cruci KAO WRC The Big Show wJtw 'c Levant and SAMUELS Succt NW THIS won't convince any of the doubting Thomases but it should assure the more reason able elements of the population that are thinking of submitting a tune that their entry will re ceive fair and just treatment Incidentally you don't have to win the competition to get a tune published Tin Pan Alley scouts check all the tunes on the well supported theory that a panel can sometimes make an honest mistake The Washington tune urday Night unction which lost out may be published by a big New York firm which has asked for the recording from the show The DeMarco sisters told Carr after the show that they liked it very much and that type of praise is distinctly unusual So that's how it is on for Waddaya want to bet someone doesn't call me up and tell me Godfrey's applause meter is tilted weekly? That grand entertainer SOPHIE TUCKER last of the Red Hot Mammas JOSE ERRER STARS IN CHILD NAMED PEH MONTH Mo Other Charge Sports ans Take Notice HERE are two top events to be covered by TV and seen locally: April 16 The Graziano Robinson middleweight championship bout (WTOP TV 10 pm) May The Kentucky Derby 'The first tele cast of tilt racing classic) I Home Service $949 I'arS The a ter Salt Lake Tabernacl News Invltatloi Taflhlah greets Jane Rus sell Oscar Herb Jeffries 7 pm A Child Jose errer jsli Appeal drama of a deaf mute chilc 8 pm WCM National Gal lery Concert Marjorie Mitchell pianist 8:30 in WTOP Broadway Playhouse Nina och and a student actor in Room Beyond" 8 :30 pm WRC Theater Guild James Stewart and Diana Lynn in Silver Whistle" pm WTOP Doris Day Show (Premiere i 9:05 pm WGMS Performed in its entirety by the Hudders field Choral Society and the Liverpool Philharmonic 10:05 pm WTOP The People Act How Binghampton helped the physically handicapped 10:30 pm WRC Baltimore 1090 A salute to WBAL on its twenty fifth an niversary 11 pm WWDC Chicago Thea ter Lillian Murphy in Rom "Blossom Col Robert McCormick speaks 11:30 WTOP Presidential Profiles Sen Taft candidate for the Republican presiden tial nomination guest MILLION DOLLAR TRIO: You'll see and hear three at America greatest musicians va Video today Masters" (5'30 WNBW Left to right are Jascha Heifetz Artur Rubinstem and Gregor Piatgorsky rare group appearances iThe series is heard on alternate Sundays) Jack Benny Amos 'n' A ndy Amos 'n Andy Edger Bergen McCarthy Playhouse On Broadwny Dori Day Show Doris Bay Show Meet Mtlil Meet Millie Zephyr Cencov Cenepy (B t) fr NmMi r4 TV RADIO jREPAIR REpublic '1956 PAWN TICKETS ISSUED LIVINGSTON! Jf 4 i(U ST NW Hour 4th Presbyterian Church VENETIAN BUND RENOVATING :30 I Mr Me GO I Headline IB 130 GROUCHO MARX had as his guest a couple who had met in the army She was a WAC cap tain and he was a private took him five months to ask me for a said the wife said he was only a yardbird and besides she was engaged to a colonel at the I said Groucho had more brass than the colonel" Bob Hawk Says Must Keep Up With Inflation days but it a lot tougher If you pay only 50 Or the sign in the bakery window pies 10 cents 'Pies like' mother used to bake 5 centsj' Or the woman who was told fresh eggs were 50 cents a uuAcu wm 25 cents a dozen and said: "Well you better crack me a Hawk advises ''the nextv time another wage price cycle rise watch for inflation' IO HU junxo vw 8 J5 I David Hal! innish Prugi R45 I biibelius '9 OO I News Hande 1 0:10 I 9:30 I 9:43 10:00 I 10:15 I 10:30 I the'hecht co Are you getting rusty water? WE REPAIR WATER HEATERS day or night NO MONEY DOWN $5 menon Water Heaters Jwun Webster Sterling O1UV 627 Street Opposite Hecht Co St Entrance jmW'y'WWiniwirnn tiniiieiiMn AftnA Srt! THE NEW Jimmy Lyaon pos gent who recently stepped into the role of 'Connie Thayer on the WTOP soap drama ''irst Hundred Years (Mon day thru riday 2:30 pm) "I feel I've been Connie all my she fc said to hove said Xlgnt MUSIC Ylid11 a I I I i I 1 Allan Jeffrey WA RL 105? Megacycle 9:00 9 1 6 9r30 i Bach 45 I Dr I lie Glen 10:00 I News Chaml er 10:15 I Schumann 10:30 I Chamber Music 10:45 I Music Portrait Klikl 4 A rf Jv Al ft 1 vTi 4 1 T'''r rt ttfSre 7 EaM Hi 1 4 rflEI dR HSfc wn0W4f MgSg' A OR Ij Kit ijmw a ml Be jtM wfii i Jef Au A ket'i fii' TH TraPtra Tl I A im aCaiigh qB Hi Er iBBi IS I 4 BB I I Table Kmllos Wlilk Wul( ITT at irmi wrTTTTM sfriaMM SBTI IlWrik issas: is I mi WJ I WM i VMTI I fiTCn IIM as zvMRS WRI 1 RE: IM i IS las 7 11 fl! td I Li I ill Bfcv ill BXwjk I A 111 IMW z'euiSX Mil Window Avaia 1 KJ Mi kJ nr tn I WinAtv Shodei Drawms dnd 9 "i BRi BRI WW ng iib tut mu eakma 1 i il fBE I III 1 BS I I II II 4 1 R' r7T eerifil 11 jM is A' HR Sunday ITrlude ltdly Wnyht Moiiiiuk saluu Sunday Prdud 1 11 ly ns hl orn ng SUo Sunday Prflnle lly WnsM Tra ure I Sunday Prelude 1111 AVlUil Tr aeu chet i Xewe llll wf'rhl Nky IViarel Kal IM t'hurt Morninp Sony 1 I I sk jpel Masterpiece Light and 1 1 I tv ns lit Spint'Jala uerin LiL'iJLal ttai'lenina New7 Reiigioua Hour of Power World New Song Serenad a a lluIrswAr I I 1 1 2 li I 1 Tl 1 1 1 1 Is llvuiv I Voice of jtoiiv Wricht Mpirttuat wi et hhhw Prophecy 'lly riufif Music bv Martin 1 1 1 1 1 ine Rabbi Xoriuan Nalirnal Radio ord Ralto Bibls Cejptenfdd I PulpH rd (lass College Choirs I Art of Living News ord Lne a rnnnl' I News ord MelndyJane I mb 'oncett Super Parade Ruck to God pit Mrn Serenade Super Parade Rack to Cod I a I 1 A el in lrr on DSBBUSSXBmSBI eat A I 1 a I rat I I St I inir est Sunday Music hw Time iuy Lomuaimt i pino Eternal Tigh A a vh ruee Eternal Yjght TTerald of Truth i point US A rr i or i of Siihtidi Mus cale Georgetown I Tank A Ernest Univ orum New iTuliTn Sun Symphony Matinee Italian Hour Sun Symphony Ed (alia her i V'v nn vsni (hiiarb tv i ii nt Maiiliee 1 1 re i i i i 1 (u i ILnr Sytnphonette III wl I nlhuiM Catholic Hour 1 1 i i )a tn a Baptist ll ur WorldVIew Symipbonett i KI tS t' American Rfcnolall Job on 1 oiley Mill rmon 'c I 4 XI sl fhB lt por um WmI tn Al sir tlul bf rmon iTUR IV I TbYVrtk TTvnd Porty unatl nt N'I''h hlnnonlc ll fl I zj A rp'iiitl 'oni rany it na it 1 vL 1 1 71 X' 7 X'e'swn'1: rrxvx'i Souas rT TL Matinee Musc tor I ou i 1 sh*t Cs 7 1 Jv 1 llnn 1 II I I il 1 1 11 I 11 I I BB 1 I I nr i a i i (Iiiuii' I ri van 1 Mlisi tor ivu a xei rn I Itor ival Hour Martin Kane Pnva te ile )df nnv fooley XI 1 1 I a rt In a tie i kw nson a ra van A i i 'I a 1 i i iam I pilnv llodT Ly i I i i i sur nade Playhouse The Shadow usic 'a a an MHt Brant Qsrt ritol iTrue Detective ull Goepel 1 2X1 1 1 1 rant fTnlri Tourney True Detect i ve 1 Tabernacle I ilt Grant 1B1 ufAsyb even: Prarflrn TMMHinwr Spotlight Star 1 1 a I ia Musicale il Grant ainnM Texas It a ng I 1 1 Ila nd I to I ia usiea bun lay ii The Big Show Nik ('atter 1 1 al ia umi ale Serenade 1( Tallulah fairer Brown Italian ia" OU i I I I nail Im Jbf UIC! a III tile XJ I PIIU" irinti ijuii a The Big Show llere'e to Tie 1 1 a 1 ia usicale Moments n't i Clo CathAllA 1' Music Voice Of AVIA glLZAAl 'nnture The Big Shew A AlUSIC 1 i tiyit Ul il 14 a rr ia 3 nd ftlet ronol i tan iv i nn zin tin i ue ji nv 1 a 12:00 I Record Shop 12:15 I Learmoi 1 I fcipcak mg of 1 4 5 i U1C a 1 1 :00 Speaki of Handel 1 A 111 ta nj 2:00 rench Music I Satigiir i 2:30 I Opera ne 2 4 5 Ali 1 1 "3 Newel Or hestra 3:15 of the XX mid I of a uairia 3 :4 Moza i 0:00 I News Ja zz :15 I En Par 6:30 Jazz ia" 6:45 AM Sign Off 7 00 I News lora le 15 I Schubert I tn.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.