How To Make An Online Course Using Video Marketing - Video Supply Blog (2024)

Have you ever wondered what the best ways to promote your online course are? What about how to create and promote an online course that gets you high returns on investment and generates leads for your business…without spending hundreds of dollars on advertising?

Simple answer, invest in VIDEO MARKETING!

How do you use video marketing to promote your online course?

Creating and promoting your online course isn't as easy as it might seem and today's blog post aims at listing down the best ways to promote your online course and make money. If you have ever thought of creating an online course, this is applicable to you.

To give a quick overview, there are many things that you need to consider before letting the world know that your course exists.

Create a Landing Page for Your Online Course

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Before you create your video, build a landing page for your online course. This will be the place where you direct all of your traffic from your video ads and social media campaigns. Landing pages are designed to collect email addresses and generate leads for your sales team. Make sure your landing page has a clear call-to-action that prompts visitors to sign up to receive information about the course.

The key elements of a good landing page include:

  • A headline that explains what the course is about and what it offers the potential student
  • An image or video that draws attention to the page
  • A succinct explanation of what students will learn by taking the class and how they'll benefit from it
  • A form where visitors can enter their contact information in exchange for more information on the course

You need a landing page for any marketing you do, including video marketing. A landing page is a standalone web page that your prospective students can "land" on when they click a link from one of your videos.

A well designed landing page will keep people engaged throughout the whole process and increase conversions. This is especially important if you have lots of videos out there promoting your online course - you don't want people clicking off after watching the video because they don't know what to do next.

Make A Solid Course Video

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Here's the thing, a solid online course video will have great impact on your sales funnel. It works as an introduction to your course and helps to build trust with your audience.

I would recommend you creating a solid, professional-looking video that is to the point. You can refer to the following points and start creating one:

  1. Start by introducing yourself and share a little bit about your background
  2. Tell viewers how your online course can change people's lives
  3. Explain what are the benefits students will get from taking this course
  4. Explain what are the main topics you're going to cover in this course
  5. Provide testimonials from previous students (if you have any)
Promote Your Online Course Using Video Marketing

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One of the best ways to promote your online course through video marketing is to create a video variation of your content.

Whether that means breaking up the lectures into shorter clips, or creating other content that complements your course, the goal is simply to offer more variety and value for students. If you're able to offer different forms of content like videos, blog posts, or podcasts, that will only further help you reach a wider variety of students in your niche.

Online courses are a big draw for consumers. One recent survey found that over half of people who took an online course in the last year did so to learn a new skill or hobby. The best part about creating an online course? You can work at your own pace and make it your own.

You're not stuck in a classroom or to a schedule, which means you can devote whatever time you have available to making the best course possible and ensuring that your students are happy with their learning experience.

The better your course is, the better your chances of making money on it—but those chances will be hampered significantly if no one knows about it. So how do you get the word out about what you have to offer? The best way to ensure that people know about your course is through video marketing, also known as video advertising. Here's how to do it... use an existing video for promotion

Most people already have videos that they use to promote their business. If you already have some content, repurpose it for this purpose by adding in something like a call-to-action at the end inviting your viewer to enroll now.

Create a YouTube Channel For Your Business

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To help you promote your online course, one of the best ways to leverage video marketing is to create a YouTube channel. You can use your personal account if you wish (although we don't recommend this), or create a new one for your business. The decision is up to you.

Once you have a channel, add videos of your expertise in the field that you teach and don't forget to include a link to your course. It helps to think of your YouTube channel as an extension of your website, so be sure to give it the same look and feel as the rest of your online presence.

If you're still not sure how to start, here are some ideas:

  • Create a brief video introduction discussing who you are and what kind of courses you offer. This can be a great way to tell people about yourself and build trust with them before they purchase anything from you.
  • Discuss some of the most popular topics related to your course and why they're important. This can help grab people's attention by showing that you're knowledgeable about the subject matter, which will garner interest in taking more courses from you later on.
  • Make short videos for each lesson within an online course, then link them together in order so anyone who wants some extra help can watch those lessons again before purchasing anything else with
Start A Blog For Your Business

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The main reason to start a blog for your business is that it's an excellent way to create a platform to showcase your expertise.

By having a blog, you will be able to demonstrate to prospective clients that you know what you're talking about and that you are someone worth paying attention to. You can also use the blog as a platform for building relationships with potential customers, so they feel they know you better and are more likely to sign up for your online course when the time comes.

There's nothing quite like having your own blog and being able to share your knowledge and experience with the world, but if you're short on time or just aren't sure where to begin, it's worth outsourcing this part of the process.

There are plenty of reputable companies out there who offer professional blogging services — here at Video Supply we have our own in-house team of writers who are well-versed in all things marketing related — or if you want something more personalized, consider hiring an individual freelance writer for hire. You'll find there are many options available online through sites such as Upwork or Fiverr; just make sure to check references before committing!

A blog is one of the most effective ways for businesses to connect with their audience and build trust among potential buyers, especially for your online course.

Use Social Media to Promote Your YouTube Videos and Your Online Course

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Social media is a powerful tool for sharing your online course content. It can also be used to amplify your marketing efforts and deliver more traffic to your videos, landing pages, and course sales pages.

As you start planning out your video marketing campaign, think about how you'll use social media to promote it. Will you create an entire social media campaign exclusively for your video? Or are you going to include a Facebook group or other community-building elements?

As you're creating the content for each social media platform, pay special attention to the formatting requirements of each one. For instance, if you're posting on Instagram, will the images appear correctly both in the feed and as part of an Instagram story?

In addition to posting on social media, consider offering a discount or incentive for people who share your videos with their friends (and make it easy for them to do so!).

How Can I Make a Video Marketing Strategy

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Businesses may now use video marketing as a potent tool to interact with their target market, increase brand recognition, and boost sales. But producing movies without a clear plan might result in resource wastage and poor quality. Creating a well-thought-out video marketing strategy that is in line with your objectives and appeals to your target audience is essential for success.

Establish Your Goals

Establish your video marketing goals first. Do you want to raise brand awareness, encourage website traffic, produce leads, or improve sales? Your strategy can be built on a strong basis by having clearly defined goals.

Decide Who Your Target Market Is

For your videos to resonate with your target audience, you must first understand who they are. Conduct in-depth market research to determine their preferences, pain areas, and hobbies. Your ability to cater your films to their particular requirements and interests will depend on this knowledge.

Determine the Video Formats and Types

Choose the video formats that will best meet your objectives and target audience next. Product demonstrations, client testimonials, explainer films, educational material, and behind-the-scenes footage are a few examples of frequent video formats. Think about each format's advantages and how they fit with your goals and intended audience.

Produce Engaging Video Content

It's time to make engaging video content when you've determined your target demographic and video formats. Create a compelling hook immediately to capture visitors' attention in the first few seconds. Your videos should have a distinct beginning, middle, and end. To effectively deliver your message, use graphics, captivating narration, and storytelling tactics.

Be search engine friendly

By making your videos search engine friendly, you may increase their visibility and audience. Make use of relevant keywords that you find through keyword research in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Additionally, give search engines clear and succinct metadata to aid in understanding the content of your videos.

The Best Distribution Channels to Use

You should adjust your distribution approach to the platforms and channels where your target audience is most active. Popular methods for distributing video content include YouTube, social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, your website, and email marketing campaigns. Choose the platforms that are compatible with your goals and your target market.

Establish a publication schedule

Video marketing relies heavily on consistency. Create a publishing schedule that specifies the times and intervals at which you will post new videos. You can keep your audience interested and develop a devoted following by consistently posting new information.

Examine and Improve

Utilize the analytics tools that the distribution platforms give to monitor the effectiveness of your videos. Aspects like views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions should be taken into consideration. Analyze the data to learn what is effective and what requires improvement. Utilize these findings to improve future content and your video marketing strategy.

How to Make Online Course Videos

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You need to create excellent online course videos if you want to effectively engage your audience and deliver valuable knowledge. Let's review the procedures for doing this:

  1. As you start to prepare your material, make a list of the main topics and subtopics you want to address in your online course. For each video to be focused and understandable, divide the content into small bits.
  1. Make a script: List the key concepts, transitions, and visuals you want to include in each movie. A strong script will keep you on track and enable you to make your message compellingly.
  1. Invest in high-quality equipment, such as a high-definition camera, an external microphone, and lighting, to prepare yourself. Make sure you have a strong tripod or mount to keep the camera steady while recording.
  1. Create a Professional Environment: When filming, choose a setting that is peaceful and well-lit. Consider using a simple background or a backdrop that looks professional and matches your branding.
  1. Adjust the camera's settings for the best possible video quality. Set up the audio and recording. For crystal-clear audio recording, use a different microphone. Before recording, undertake audio testing to ensure appropriate sound levels.
  1. When you are recording, break up your information into smaller segments and record each one separately. Using this technique makes it easier to manage mistakes or retakes as well as to edit and arrange the content in post-production.
  1. To keep your viewers interested throughout your videos, use a conversational tone. Speak, use visual aids or slides if necessary, and consider incorporating interactive elements to keep listeners interested.
  1. Using video editing software, edit and improve the recorded segments by trimming and rearranging them, adding transitions, and overlaying any appropriate images or text. Add images, animations, or captions to the film to improve comprehension.
  1. Check the edited video's flow, audio, and visual components by watching it again. To ensure clarity and efficacy, make the necessary changes and ask a test audience for their opinion.
  1. Once you are happy with the results, publish and promote the videos by adding them to the platform or learning management system (LMS) of your choice. Create a marketing plan to draw in students, such as posting teasers on social media or utilizing email marketing.
How to Create an Online Course that Sells on YouTube

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It takes a systematic strategy that combines worthwhile content, efficient marketing, and compelling presentation to create an online course that sells on YouTube. To design an online course that appeals to your YouTube audience and brings in sales, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a niche that fits with your knowledge and is in demand in the industry by identifying it. To fully grasp the requirements, problems, and preferences of your target audience, conduct extensive research.
  1. Plan your course's content by outlining the major sections, lessons, and learning goals. To ensure clarity and progression, divide the text into manageable sections. To improve the learning process, think about including applicable exercises or doable actions.
  1. Make Engaging Video Lessons: Film your course material in a polished, attractive manner. To create a polished and captivating presentation, use high-quality cameras, crystal-clear audio equipment, and appropriate lighting. Include slides, pictures, or other visual aids in your lessons.
  1. Create catchy, keyword-rich titles for each video lesson to maximize video titles and descriptions. When describing your course, be sure to be captivating and informative. Increase your presence in YouTube search results by including pertinent keywords.
  1. Utilize YouTube SEO: Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to make your videos more search-engine friendly. To increase discoverability and accessibility, use pertinent tags, closed captions, and transcripts. Encourage people to participate in your videos by giving them likes, comments, and shares because doing so will help you rank higher.
  1. Engage Your Audience: To promote engagement and create a community around your course, actively answer comments and queries from viewers. To improve learning, encourage conversation and interaction among students.
  1. Offer Useful Free Content: Produce teaser films or tutorials that offer insightful information and highlight your skills. This increases interest in your paid course by giving potential students a taste of your teaching style and content quality.
  1. Promote Your Course: Create a thorough marketing plan to spread the word about your course outside of YouTube. To increase your audience and draw in new customers, make use of your website, social media channels, email lists, and partnerships with relevant influencers or business associates.
  1. Implement Calls to Action: Include clear calls to action that encourage viewers to sign up for your course inside your videos and the descriptions of your videos. To encourage quick action, provide incentives like bonuses or time-limited discounts.
  2. Track the effectiveness of your films, keep an eye on registration rates, and assess audience engagement. To learn more about audience behavior and preferences, use analytics tools. To maximize the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, course material, and overall sales strategy, make data-driven decisions.
You can use video marketing to boost the reach and success of your online course.

Video marketing must be used if you want to increase the impact of your online course. By utilizing videos, you give students the beneficial chance to visually and aurally connect with their teacher, improving their learning experience. Video marketing has a great deal of potential to increase enrollment in your course and draw in new students, which will eventually help them succeed.

Learn how to create a free online course and experience the power of video courses. Team Video Supply is here to help you through the procedure and provide advice on how to make engaging video lessons that will engage and instruct your audience. With their knowledge, you'll understand the key methods required to engage learners with visual content.

Discover the power of video marketing for your online course. Learn how to market and sell your video course effectively with Team Video Supply. Increase enrollments, attract a larger audience, and maximize your earning potential. Start building your course with Team Video Supply today.

How To Make An Online Course Using Video Marketing - Video Supply Blog (2024)


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